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Defense for Solo Female Travelers

As someone who has been in more than one attempted kidnapping while traveling I have picked up some harsh reality-driven advice in the circumstances most travelers dread.

One of the biggest reasons solo women do not carelessly travel alone are the concerns for the outside world and being in a situation that single-handedly could be dangerous

Whereas these tips and tricks will not guarantee safety as it is never a victim's fault, they are ways to be more alert when alone.

Never Carry Easily Accessible Bags

One of the most common issues when traveling for any gender, but especially women who carry purses, is that it is very easy to steal.

As a substitute, fanny packs and backpacking bags are great alternatives for keeping your valuables close to your body. Since many thieves use knives to cut straps and or grab and pull, such bags like a fanny pack and or a backpacking bag, are more difficult for them to easily get away with.

Carry a Pen

Yes, your regular old bic or a pencil found on the ground will work. When traveling things such as pocket knives or pepper spray can be more difficult to carry as they do not always pass security, can be used against you or they are not always accessible.

With an average pen, there are many ways to use it to your advantage if ever in a dangerous situation.

Such access points as eyes, throat, and right under the ribcage can do the exact level of damage needed to get away. If the attacker is coming at you, this pen in an eye can blind them for a certain time, in the throat can cause the tube to rupture and right under the ribs, can pop their lung.

Though this can sound incredibly harsh, in a dangerous situation it is key to have something to help you get away.

Who’s Around You?

Something that takes some practice to pick up is observing where you are and noticing who's around you.

When traveling, especially solo, it is essential to be able to constantly look for familiar faces. Looking back, to the sides, and straight ahead with your chin up and shoulders back allows for a confident energy while checking.

When noticing someone has been following you for some time, it is key to take multiple and spontaneous turns, if they seem to follow it is vital to get someone to help you or look up the nearest police station.

Don't Help Anyone

Prior to my travels, I would never sound so harsh, I have learned that this is vital when traveling.

Most scams found globally are those seeking “help”, and teamed up with others to either rob or attack while you are vulnerable trying to help. 

Although it seems harsh, the best thing to do in this situation is to, again, keep your head held high, shoulders back, and walk past clutching your most valuables.


click here to learn more on the most common scams 


Fight and Be Loud

Fight or flight is very real but that being said, there is no victim blaming in any of my advice.

One of the biggest fears of thieves is reaction and attention.

Whereas it may not be in your character or you are fear-stricken, one of the best things to do in a situation with gypsies, thieves or attackers is to be as loud as possible and fight back.

Because you are not as easy of a target as they thought coming up to you, they will leave and move on to the next sadly.

This tactic is terrifying and feels wrong but after having multiple friends along with myself encounter these individuals, it is one of the best things you can do and they will in fact leave you instead of fighting back.

With all this being said…

There is no victim blaming here and sadly these things do happen to solo women travelers, however, it is rare and it is not something that should ever stop you from traveling and getting out. It is a small part of travel that you will get used to in time and staying prepared is the first step.